Decorticate Posturing Hypoglycemia
Strated decorticate posturing an absent pupillary light reflex bilat erally and was unresponsive to painful stimuli.
Decorticate posturing hypoglycemia. A serum glucose drawn on arrival was 26 mg dl. His initial laboratory studies in cluding electrolytes and a drug screen were oth erwise unremark able. An admission ct scan of th e head was considered norm al.
Reversible decerebrate posturing secondary to hypoglycemia. Decorticate posturing is described as abnormal flexion of the arms with the extension of the legs. The literature on hypogly nduced neurologic deficits 1s reviewed and an explanation quick remiission of the decerebrate posturing is postu hypoglycemia may present with altered cortical or subcortical function.
Clinicians should be aware of this condition in patients presenting with he progressing to coma since it might save unnecessary workup. Two cases of decerebrate posturing that resolved following the fairmont west virginia administration of dextrose are reported. She had a quick recovery with appropriate management for hepatic encephalopathy.
Decorticate posturing a sign of severe damage to the brain is a specific type of involuntary abnormal posturing of a person. Two cases of decerebrate posturing that resolved following the administration of dextrose are reported. In conclusion hepatic encephalopathy is a rare but reversible cause of decerebrate posturing.
Decorticate posturing is described as abnormal flexion of the arms with the extension of the legs. The literature on hypoglycemia induced neurologic deficits is reviewed and an explanation for the quick remission of the decerebrate posturing is postulated.